• Sudden Passing of Officer Whetstone, Philly PD

    Kevin Whetstone, a 16-year veteran of Philadelphia’s 39th Police District, suddenly and unexpectedly passed away from a devastating heart attack on July 14, 2023.
    Kevin spent his life in service; after a combined 10 years in the Army and National Guard, Kevin found his home with the Philadelphia police department where he worked to serve his fellow officers and the community in which he was raised. On June 22nd, after working his shift, Kev and a few fellow officers went to play basketball. Upon his return home, he informed his wife that he didn’t feel well, and emergency medical services were called. Although the medical staff did everything possible to revive his body, his brain received too much damage to recover.
    This tragedy has left Kev’s family struggling to come to terms with his passing. Kevin was a young, strong, vibrant personality and a dedicated public servant, husband, and father. As the sole provider to his wife and 3-year-old daughter, his passing has impacted their lives not only emotionally and mentally, but financially as well. Any donations made will be received with gratitude to assist with providing him the services befitting his worth and to help his wife and young daughter transition into a life without his continual love and support. Kevin, his brilliant smile, no-nonsense attitude, and easy-loving demeanor will be missed by all, especially his family, lifelong friends, community, and brothers and sisters in blue. Please consider a donation, commenting your memories of Kev, or simply sharing this fundraiser.
    "We would like to send out eternal gratitude to the Philadelphia Police Department's 39th District and the Fraternal Oder of Police. The dedication and love shown through 24-hour vigils, transports, visitations, phone calls, donations, and administrative assistance has made this overwhelmingly tragic event manageable. We all lost something as family and community members on June 22. The devotion presented has been inspiring. We could not have gone through this without you."
    - The Whetstone Family
    "We send our heartfelt condolences to the family of Philadelphia police officer, Kevin Whetstone. The 39th district officer and 15-year veteran passed away Friday after suffering a medical emergency. Whetstone served his community and city with professionalism and integrity. He was beloved by his fellow officers and colleagues. Please keep his family and friends in your thoughts and prayers."
    - John McNesby, FOP Lodge 5 President