Mental & Behavioral Health

We know the burden you carry as fellow officers and how it is too easy to bring the job home with you every day and that can take a toll on your overall well-being. 

It is ok to ask for help. And please know that you are NEVER alone. We are always here to help you. All you have to do is take the first step and reach out and ASK FOR HELP. 

We are excited to offer various programs to assist with mental health, PTSD, behavioral health, and addiction treatment in partnership with LEHB and our Chaplain Lou Campione. Each of these programs developed as a result of needs of our members and their families. These resources have been tested and have proven themselves as valuable resources. These programs assist in the healing process, as we have seen lives, marriages, and families restored.

We have more than eleven hundred providers available: psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and social workers to address mental health concerns. Whatever the need is, we can find a resource for you. Please use the programs, to help let the healing begin and to help you get to a safe place.


We assist families on the loss of one of our FOP members. Contact Lou Campione at 215-823-9828 or Andrea Mruk at 215-629-3612 

Bottles and Badges

AA Support Group Meetings are every Wednesday at 7:00pm at the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5 11630 Caroline Road 19154. We can help provide the support you need to stop drinking. If you want help to stop, we can help you. 

Contact Rob Lutz 215-239-8015 or Lou Campione at 215-823-9828 or Matt Market 215-768-8550

Employee Assistance Program (Peer Officers)

Available by contacting 215-685-9940 at 1341 N. Delaware Ave Room 407 19125

External E.A.P. (Professional Counseling)

External Employee Assistance is provided by Penn Behavioral Health. They are a part of the University of Pennsylvania Health System. Combined with our Law Enforcement Health Benefits counseling network, which is facilitated by Charlie Baker @ 267-350-5405, we have available over 1100 Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Counselors and Social Workers.

Penn Behavioral Heath can be reached at 1-888-321-4433, 24 hours a day.

First Responder Addiction Treatment (F.R.A.T.) Program

Livengrin Foundation has been treating Philadelphia Police Officers Since 1966. This program was designed and run by one of our own Lodge 5 members. The staff of the FRAT program is a mixture of active and retired law enforcement, peer and professional counselors. They can help with all addictions or a combination of addiction and mental health concerns. Both inpatient and outpatient needs are addressed with this program. The FRAT program can help get us back on the street with better coping skills and with resources to cope with job related stress.

 FRAT HOTLINE- 855-372-8435

Gambling Treatment

We have received requests for help regarding gambling, as it can affect every facet of your life. It can change your perception, strain your relationships and interfere with your obligations and responsibilities. You may think you can stop any time you want. However, you just can’t seem to do it. Compulsive gambling is an addiction which can be successfully treated if you get the right help. 

Julian Katz is a Licensed Professional Counselor and is a member of CP Mirarchi Counseling services. He can be reached 856-904-7030 or and his office is at 1526 Wolf St. Phila PA 19145.

Green to Blue

A support group for our members who also serve in the military. It is open to all military personnel components. For information contact Willie Sierra at 215-629-3627 or 

Guide App for Personal Development

Download the Guide App for free to all members at:

In only 15 MINUTES A DAY you can create lasting change for yourself. The exercises are designed to be quick and convenient (micro-learning) while also being powerful and effective.


Police Clergy Program

600 volunteer clergy from all faiths willing to assist with all spiritual needs. Fr. Jim McNew serves as the FOP Spiritual Director and can be contacted at 215-629-3622

Psychologist Dr. Paul DiKun at LEHB

Dr. DiKun is available for appointments on Fridays starting a 6:00 AM to 12 PM at Law Enforcement Health Benefits at 2233 Spring Garden Street 19130.

To make an appointment at LEHB Center City, contact Helen Miller at LEHB 215-763-8290

To make appointment at his office at 2824 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem, PA 19020, call 215-638-4520     

Shooters Support Group

The group meets at the Fraternal Order Police Lodge 5 11630 Caroline Road 19154. This is a support group open to anyone who has been involved in a shooting. 

Any questions concerning the Shooters Support Group please contact, Jonathan Josey 267-235-1539 or Yvette Clark 215-669-1321

Smoking Cessation Program

The Police Department, Fraternal Order of Police, Law Enforcement Health Benefits; and the Department of Health are partnering to bring our members a smoking cessation support and assistance programs.

Trisha MacNair and Dr. Olga Calof summarize years of research in the long life equation published by Adams Media 2007, conclude smoking reduces life expectancy by eight years. They conclude, cigarette smoking is the single most important cause of preventable disease and premature death in developed countries. Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, many of which are highly toxic, such as arsenic, formaldehyde, cyanide, benzene, toluene, and acrolein. The good news is that research shows if you stop smoking you can undue most of the damage, contact LEHB at 215-763-8290.

Suicide Prevention

National Crisis Hotlines

Law Enforcement Officers in Crisis

Text BLUE to 7417741

Suicide and Crisis and Lifeline

Call 988

Copline- An Officer’s Lifeline


Faith and Spirituality

We can connect you with 600 clergy from all faiths, from the Police Chaplains Program for any spiritual need that you may have. For more info, contact Lou Campione 215-823-9828

In addition to the above listed programs we have asked for assistance from outside agencies and they have provided tremendous help to us. These programs include:

  • Retrouvaille weekend program Catholic ministry for hurting marriages, with follow-up sessions to assist in continuing the healing and renewal process. Contact 1-800-470-2230.
  • Focus on the Family
  • New Life Resources
    • Dealing with life and addictions.
    • Contact 1-800-New-Life or
  • Family Life Today
    • Resources for marriage and family.
    • Contact 1-800-FLTODAY or
  • Project Rachel
    • Post abortion healing
    • Contact 215-587-5640